Declarative sentence
In order to construct a sentence, let's memorize words order. Please see next english sentence. How arrange words?
"I give my girl friend a nice gift today."
Subject | Complement | Object | Complement | Modifier | Object | Predicate |
나는 | 오늘 | 그녀에게 | 매우 |
귀여운 | 선물을 | 보냅니다 |
Subject is placed at a head. But predicate is placed at the tail of a sentence. That's the point different from english.
Negative sentence
There are two ways to construct a negative sentence. One of them is an expression with "안". The other way is to use "지 않아".
Subject | Object | Predicate |
나는 | 학교에 | 가지 않습니다 |
나는 | 학교에 | 안 가요 |
Nothing changes about the order of words as a declarative sentence.
Subject | Object | Predicate |
그녀는 | 나쁜 사람이 | 아닙니다 |
그녀는 | 나쁜 사람이 | 있지 않아요 |
Interrogative sentence
The way to make an interrogative sentence is attaching "까" to the tail taking place of "다".
The sentence of the tail turns "입니까".
In case of a sentence for conversation, "이에요" doesn't change. Just make tone of the tail up.
Subject | Object | Predicate |
당신은 | 친절한 | 사람입니까�H |
당신은 | 친절한 | 사람이야�H |
An interrogative sentence includs a verb has the same rule.
Subject | Object | Predicate |
그는 | 야채를 | 먹습니까�H |
그는 | 야채를 | 먹어요�H |